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抖音耀阳创作的原声歌名是什么 抖音耀阳原创音乐是什么

来源:潮女谷    阅读: 1.62K 次

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据悉,抖音里面耀阳创作的原声歌名叫做《always online》和《cries in a distance》,一个是中文版,一个是英文版,一个调子,这两首歌都是由林俊杰演唱的。

JJ这首歌反映的是二战时期纳粹集中营实行的非人道生活,集中营里的人每隔一段时间会被德国士兵抓出去枪杀。其实最令人最恐惧的不是死亡,而是看着自己的亲人和朋友一个一个死去。【曲调和《always online》相同,但意义和爱情毫无关系,而是战争的残酷和对此的愤怒。

抖音耀阳创作的原声歌名是什么 抖音耀阳原创音乐是什么

cries in a distance歌词

抖音耀阳创作的原声歌名是什么 抖音耀阳原创音乐是什么 第2张

Cries in a distance

Can't stop the tremble

I'm just awaiting my turn

Hiding will never

Save me forever

The guns gonna get me for sure

Dear God I pray why won't you be my friend

Come to me and take my hand

Like mama would say

Everything will be okay

All I hear is 3 2 1

The scream from the guns

And then 1 by 1

No one gets to run

Someone's dad or mom

Sister brother and son

No no

All I feel is 1 2 3

My tears start to bleed

Smell of roses on my feet

I feel sore

I fall

I call

I crawl

Cries in a distance

Can't stop the tremble

I'm just awaiting my turn

Hiding will never

Save me forever

The guns gonna get me for sure

Dear God I pray why won't you be my friend

Come to me and take my hand

Like mama would say

Everything will be okay

All I hear is 3 2 1

The scream from the guns

And then 1 by 1

No one gets to run

Someone's dad or mom

Sister brother and son

No no

All I feel is 1 2 3

My tears start to bleed

Smell of roses on my feet

I feel sore

I fall

I call

I crawl

All I hear is 3 2 1

The scream from the guns

And then 1 by 1

No one gets to run

Someone's dad or mom

Sister brother and son

All I feel is 1 2 3

My tears start to bleed

Smell of roses on my feet

I feel sore

I fall

I call

I crawl

I feel sore

I fall

I call

I crawl


抖音耀阳创作的原声歌名是什么 抖音耀阳原创音乐是什么 第3张

耀阳原创的音乐还有一首歌名叫做《Ass Like Kim Face Like Rihanna》。



